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This Dental Practice in Green Hills Encourages Early Care!

April 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:23 pm

child dental visitWhen you think of your child’s health, you might not even think of their oral health—unfortunately. This is a problem that many parents realize all too late. It’s important to prioritize your child’s dental health just as any other major part of their well-being because the mouth affects the whole body.

Not to mention, baby teeth lay the foundation for their amazing adult smiles to develop healthily into! Learn more about children’s oral health and why it’s important to take care of your little one’s smile early on. Our dental practice in Green Hills wants you to be proactive with your children’s smiles!


Enjoy Total Wellness from Your Dental Practice in Green Hills!

April 23, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:29 pm

man in dentist chair smilingWhen you think of your oral health, do you envision it as being separate from your overall wellness? If so, your local dentist will explain just how connected the care of your mouth, teeth and gums is to the health of your entire body. Furthermore, you’ll learn how preventive dentistry and oral hygiene work in tandem to make a positive impact.


Are Gum Disease and Cancer Linked? A Nashville Dentist Says Yes!

April 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:40 pm

Close up view of unhealthy gumsAs any Nashville dentist will tell you, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” Well, it turns out that flossing can do much more than help you keep your teeth – it might actually lower your risk for cancer!

There have been many studies done over the last 20 years that have shown a link between the gums and the rest of the body, including the heart. More recently, studies have also shown that gum disease increases the risk of developing cancer. It’s never been more clear that gum disease must be taken seriously! Keep reading to learn more about what gum disease is, common sign and symptoms, and more about its link to cancer. You’ll also find out the best way to prevent or treat this condition!


Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 3, 2018

Man in dental chair talking to dentistApril is oral cancer awareness month, and to celebrate, we recommend you reach out to your trusted Nashville dentistry team to schedule an oral cancer screening. Every patient can benefit from regular evaluations for this disease. Dentists have advanced training and experience with diseases that affect the oral and facial structures, making them the ideal medical practitioners to complete your regular examinations. Not sure your dentist provides oral cancer screening during your six month preventive dentistry exams? Give them a call to ask about this service. In most cases, these screenings are so fast and comfortable you might not even notice they’re happening.